Refuting the idea that the business-developer relationship is obscure, we reveal a dynamic environment where each decision profoundly influences the development team. This interaction significantly guides the project towards its ultimate goal
Every Stakeholder Must Read! It may be a surprise to you, but the decision to change product scope mid-flight can pose significant challenges that impact the project's success. Let's explore the potential pitfalls of altering project scope and overview how to make your change requests with empathy and effectiveness. What is even more important is knowing when to make them and when to avoid.
Amidst my extensive experience in the realm of software development, I’ve encountered a diverse array of documentation practices, each with its unique strengths and shortcomings. Some teams diligently employed design intake forms, capturing the essence of user experiences and expectations. Yet, I’ve also come across individual data dictionaries that, while rich in technical details, lacked a bridge to the actual user interface and experience.
We all need a sanity check once in a while. It’s much easier to fix things when you start noticing that the process is not working its best, rather than when it’s all crumbling down. I urge you to answer the following 15 questions periodically to ensure that your team does not veer from the right path. Let's check what people think on the main indicator of the Product that's failing.
In product development, the journey from ideation to market can be fraught with challenges. The main tragedy of many product fates is a useless, unusable, or obsolete product. Understanding the key reasons behind product failures is crucial for steering clear of pitfalls and embracing a more effective approach. Let's dissect the conventional models that often lead to suboptimal outcomes, shedding light on the missteps that hinder innovation and growth.
We have all experienced this in one way or another—when we truly believe our idea or suggestion is correct and maybe even the best, but the decision was made against it. How to deal with it? Should you fight for it, or should you submit? Today, we navigate the nuanced terrain of choices in Agile, dissecting scenarios where personal viewpoints clash with authority, team dynamics, and the challenge of defending or submitting to choices.
In recent years, the recognition of the need for proficient product coaches has surged, driven by an increasing number of companies embracing the practices of successful industry leaders. As the demand for product coaching grows, so does the challenge of distinguishing true expertise from the plethora of self-proclaimed “agile coaches” and “career coaches” with little to no product experience.
In the dynamic realm of agile project management, staying on course amidst changing requirements and stakeholder pressures can be a challenging balancing act. One of the most formidable challenges is managing stakeholders, particularly when they attempt to inflate product scope, introduce constant changes, or propose a complete pivot.
In the dynamic realm of agile Product Management, navigating through stakeholder pressures and changing requirements becomes a complex task. We will discuss some cases where businesses seek scope modifications in the middle of an ongoing iteration and explore proactive measures to prevent these scenarios.
We all need a sanity check once in a while. It's much easier to fix things when you start noticing that the process is not working its best, rather than when it's all crumbling down. I urge you to answer the following 15 questions periodically to ensure that your team does not veer from the right path. Let's start. First question: Are your development projects often behind schedule and create dev debt?

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