Are you sure your digital product
is where you want it to be?

Let’s do a simple check…

Your Roadmap and MVP are based on hard market data

Your product roadmap is built on recent market data and does not contain more than a year’s worth of work, which is split into 2-3 upcoming releases.

You started development only after MVP was locked

Your MVP contains the absolute minimum needed to attract the core target audience with tangible value in the fastest and cheapest way, even if this initial value is free.


You know where your MVP fits in, but you also have a solid idea of the entire app ecosystem, which helps you evaluate earning potential and select the best User Experience solutions.

You have scope creep prevention plan in place

You have established agreements between stakeholders and the implementation team on reasons for which the scope may be modified, scope management procedures, and points of no return for scope modifications.

Your Product documentation eliminates any assumptionS

Your functional and technical documentation is created to a level that completely eliminates any chances for assumptions about user processes – down to the word.

You are in constant communication with your team 

Product Managers, Scrum Masters, Developers, QA, your Infrastructure partners – you do ask their opinions about the product on regular basis. 

If at least any of these answers is a “No”
your product may be in trouble

The Three Risks of Inefficient Product Management


Unclear specifications, undefined lean increments, and a lack of a clear vision supported by hard data can destabilize the project due to scope modifications and pivots. This often leads to wasted effort.


But what’s most disappointing is that all the pivots and lack of clarity, even when the product stays on course, inevitably result in release delays, leading to lost profits and potentially missed opportunities.

Irrelevant Product

An ill-created product delivered on time is as detrimental as the right product delivered too late. Poor product management results in poor products that don’t resonate with the target audience. 

Reduce Product Risks.
Do Smart Product Realignment with Backlogical TM 

Clear and Robust DOCUMENTATION

Clear, sufficient, and well-organized documentation is key to successful and rapid delivery. We ensure that development has maximum clarity on the requirements when they are ready to move to production.

transparent stakeholder relationship

We believe in keeping everyone in the loop. We have developed a unique approach to building bridges between strategy and implementation to ensure complete transparency and effective scope creep control procedures.

User-Centric market data based Vision

Thinking like a user and advocating passionately for their needs is essential to creating valuable products. Our approach ensures our products are not only intuitive with high usability but are also grounded in addressing the customer’s pain points.

bending agile for people, not the other way around

Our Agile approach is to adapt the frameworks to suit your team’s unique ways. We prioritize productivity while fostering a fun and considerate environment for the people who hold the future of your product—and your business—in their hands.

How Our Partnership May Work

No Fuss, Just Talk


This service goes beyond just Agile coaching. It includes sharing my extensive experience in all aspects of product management, from the product’s inception through the development process. 

Look, Think and Talk


 Comprehensive analysis of your methodology, processes, and documentation, along with detailed recommendations for improvements in all areas of your development processes. Includes #1.

Plug and Play


My active participation in implementing improvements across all aspects of your product development and team dynamics, from inception through testing and delivery. This includes #1 & #2. 

This 30-minute talk may save you time to market
and hundreds of thousands of dollars
Schedule Here

Have a Billion Dollar APP Idea?
Get it Ready for Funding Applications

Clients served



Natasha brought not only a tremendous amount of experience in both areas of Agile Software Development and Product Management, but also amazing technical skills and the willingness to help wherever she could. I initially chose to bring her on because of her strong agile skills, but she delivered so much more.

Her attention to detail ensured that her work was always pristine and her projects always on track. Her technical abilities saved us time and money. She was able to maximize productivity to a very high degree even when her team members were located on opposite sides of the globe. She constantly left me wondering if there was anything that she could not do.

Ronnie Gouger

Senior Manager, T-Mobile

Saved Time and Money

Natasha brought not only a tremendous amount of experience, but amazing technical skills and the willingness to help wherever she could. Her design skills and technical abilities were outstanding, I initially chose to bring her on because of her strong product design skill-sets, but she delivered so much more. Her work was always pristine and her projects always on track.

She was able to maximize productivity to a very high degree even when her team members were located on opposite sides of the globe. Natasha’s ability to learn saved us huge amounts of time and money. She constantly left me wondering if there was anything that she could not do, and that made my life a lot easier.

Dave Violette

Vice President, Business Systems


Natasha possesses a rare talent for taking on complex business problems. The project we worked on together was highly complex and the number of data elements, form fields, and taxonomies that had to be tackled were fankly overwhelming.

Natasha was able to cut through the overwhelm and bring simplicity to a highly complex problem space. Her documentation is robust, meticulously organized, and she’s great at communicating the needs of the customers and the rational behind the direction she sees that a product should go. Natasha is also a highly empathetic human with great communication skills, making her an excellent leader.

Charity Andrews

Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur


Natasha is very talented product leader. In FedNat, she is primarily responsible for all new initiatives including brand new products, and new features in existing products. Many times she proved her ability to take responsibility at large to have complete ownership of feature and product delivery and lead the team to success.

Above all, Natasha is a master of creating robust documentation and has exceptional skills in creating intuitive and modern design and user experience.

Her work ethic and commitment are difficult to match. We are lucky to have Natasha in our team!

Raul Ramis



Natasha is a very smart, talented and detail-focused addition to any team.

She has a wide range of experience, a real drive for excellence and a self-sufficiency which makes her a valuable asset to have.

She’s really interested in contributing, understanding what is going on, and finding ways to improve things.

Matte Elsbernd

Charles Schwab


Natasha came into a chaotic situation with a team scrambling to finish a product that was going live to a million users in a highly technical industry. She quickly adapted, learned the lingo and technology, and effectively inserted herself into the process. Generally when you add someone in the middle of a fast moving project you have to slow down, but that wasn’t the case with Natasha.

She brings solid design design skills to the table and delivers thoughtful, well backed designs. Skills are all well and good, but Natasha is also a fantastic team member, bring positive energy and design passion to the process. Natasha helped get us through a critical time and I will forever be grateful for her help.

Matt Attaway

Digital Domain


Natasha have successfully completed her assignment in Honda – well within time.

She has been diligent at work, quick to grasp issue and efficient in work habits.

She is detail oriented and have been a good team player. Her work products have been of top quality.

She has made a big impact on the projects at Honda.

Anil Dubey



Natasha is an amazing Product Manager – she is an expert in her field and does something very critical that most other people in her area don’t: she relies on data. Her critical thinking skills are unsurpassed and her design background informs her ability to write excellent requirements and user stories.

Market research and user studies are the tools she uses to analyze data to perform her work at the highest levels.

She’s a seasoned professional – any team who works with her is lucky to have such talent.

Alex Close

Project Manager


Natasha was a real multi-talent discovery for Open Radio. She easily mastered all aspects of radio production cycle – from creating commercials to recording features and news reports, live reporting, hosting live shows and producing her own programs.

She could replace anyone at the mixing console, while no one could replace her captivating voice in the studio. Within a short time she became a key specialist at the Open Radio network.

Nurlan Urazbaev

BroadSign International (Canada)


Natasha is great! She has an attention to detail that I can say is quite above nearly any other person I have ever worked with. This attention to detail is tied with a great skill set in design and also a work ethic that is second to none.

This was quite helpful when we were designing web applications together at FedNat. I would love to work with her again, and can fully recommend her for any design work and in particular, management of creative and technical teams.

Vincent Martin

End Point
