Project Objectives and Challenges

To identify user interface and user experience problems of mobile site and mobile interface of the full site (there are two mobile versions of the site now: Mobile Livejournal and a mobile view of the full Livejournal site). 

The mobile view of the full Livejournal site looks better, contains much more functionalities compared to the Mobile Livejournal, and solves some of the problems of the Mobile Livejournal. Unfortunately, some of the solutions to the existing Mobile Livejournal problems are not effective, but there are also new problems that this updated design has. 

My task is to identify user interface and user experience problems of Mobile Livejournal, analyze how they were handled in mobile view of the full Livejournal site, identify problems of the latter and create a new interface and user experience that addresses all existing problems. 


Tasks, Methodologies, and Tools

  • Usability Analysis
  • Identify UI and UX problems
  • Create new interface
  • Create high-fidelity wireframes
  • Create storyboards
  • Adobe Photoshop

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