We all need a sanity check once in a while. It’s much easier to fix things when you start noticing that the process is not working its best, rather than when it’s all crumbling down. I urge you to answer the following 15 questions periodically to ensure that your team does not veer from the right path.

  1. Are your development projects often behind schedule and create dev debt?
  2. Do you have to clarify requirements after development has started?
  3. Does business change feature and functionality priorities after development has started?
  4. Does business expand, update or completely change the scope after the development has started?
  5. Do you have to carry unfinished stories over to the upcoming sprints?
  6. Do you encounter large amounts of high priority and high severity defects?
  7. Does your team composition change a lot within one PI (Program Increment)?
  8. Do you think your backlog could use more structure and order?
  9. Do you have difficulties to engage your whole team in creation of testing strategies?
  10. Do you have team member that never speak during rituals and retrospectives?
  11. Do issues arise when you have to rely on your cross-functional partners?
  12. Do you often get a response from business that the delivered functionality “was not exactly what they asked for”?
  13. Do you believe that your PM, PO or Scrum Master leads the development process ?
  14. Do you think that your overall team spirit may be improved?
  15. Do you go beyond budget often?

If you answered “Yes” to most, or at least half, of these questions, you may require immediate assistance. It appears that your processes and relationships are not functioning optimally, and your team is undoubtedly facing challenges. We believe that BackLogical can provide numerous solutions to help your team reduce stress, address technical debt, and expedite the launch of high-quality products while enhancing overall job satisfaction. Feel free to contact us, and we can go over how we can assist your team.

Even if you answered “Yes” to just a few of these questions, while you are not in severe trouble, there is room for process optimization and potential documentation cleanup. Let’s have a conversation, as we may assist you in streamlining your delivery process, reducing defects, and ensuring a smoother overall operation, leading to greater satisfaction for both your business and your team 

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