Project Objectives and Challenges

To create a very complex web-based application associated with setting up subscriptions.

Project Galleries

Login and Errors
Installment Plans
Product and Search

Project Documentation

Global Navigation

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Installment Plans – Add New

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Installment Plans – Landing Page and Search

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Installments types

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Products – Singles

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Non-Functional Requirements

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UX Style Guide

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Task, Methodologies, and Tools

  • Led business requirements gathering effort including recurrent sessions with stakeholders and clients.
  • Realigned with stakeholders and clients on existing requirements with consideration of fulfillment system limitations.
  • Initiated, structured, formalized and led internal and external stakeholder and clients UI/UX design and processes approvals.
  • Documented compete user stories including flow charts, use cases (scenarios), data elements lists, business logic, technical requirements, exceptions, and system and error messages.
  • Participated in backlog creation and refinement.
  • Participated in backlog grooming sessions to understand priorities for the next sprint and to gain understating of the overall vision.
  • Participated in Jira tickets creation and tracking.
  • Created and documented information architecture.
  • Defined application interface and Style Guide by creating a comprehensive design and technical requirements documentation for UI development.
  • Created complex application user flows, story boards, and user journeys based on business requirements analysis, system APIs study and with consideration of fulfillment system limitations.
  • Led user experience discussions with stakeholders.
  • Participated in whiteboarding, created low and high-fidelity wireframes, prototypes, mockups, material design, iconography.
  • Sketch,, Confluence, Jira. Agile/Waterfall environment

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